Category: Producer

Group Size Verification (2-60) and New Peak Care Product

Size Verification Required for Groups with 2-60 Subscribers Premera Blue Cross is sending groups who are renewing with 2-60 subscribers a request to complete a Group Size Certification form. This information […]

New Employer Groups Sprint Program

Earn up to a $50 per-member bonus 1. Sell a new medical plan and/or add a dental plan to an employee group of 3-50 employees. Qualification and payments for the program […]

New ancillary carrier – Principal Life Insurance Company®

Connexion has signed an agreement with Principal Life® to sell its employer-paid and voluntary life, short-term disability (STD), long-term disability (LTD), dental, vision, critical illness and accident products in the states of […]

Not Selling Medicare Yet?

We hope that you can join us to “Get the Medicare Connexion” at one of three informational sessions hosted by Connexion Insurance Solutions being held near you April 17th, May […]