Premera Small Group Updates

    1. Credit card payments for Premera Blue Cross premiums will end on June 30, 2021. Premera will revert to regular payment options after that date. For groups that already have an account set up for paying their bill, it is recommended that they access their account to manage funding sources and change to another payment option before the end of June. To review all of your premium payment options, please visit the Pay Your Bill webpage.
    2. The following temporary COVID-19 provisions have a pending end date of June 30, 2021.
      • Payment Grace Period extension to 60 days. Reverts back to 30 days.
      • Claim payment grace period of 30 days (paying claims during the first 30 days of delinquency)
      • Waive one-time reinstatement limit
      • Count furloughed time as time worked for rehire waiting period purposes
      • Minimum hour requirement exceptions
    3. Employer groups that manage their enrollment through Premera Enrollment Center have been converted to the new online billing and payment platform where they will access and pay bills. Premera has sent information to employers on how to access the online billing and payment tool. For any questions, please call Premera Membership & Billing at 855-756-0796.