
Connexion Office Update

With the outbreak of COVID-19, the Puget Sound region is experiencing an event unprecedented in our lifetimes. All Connexion employees have been mandated to work from home for the next […]

Updated Dual/Triple Choice Matrix and Address Changes

1) Make sure you have the current Premera Small Group Dual Choice and Triple Choice Matrices. which were updated in November 2019. If you save the documents to your computer, we recommend re-saving these […]

Small Groups of 1-2 Cancellations Reminder

This is a courtesy reminder that if Premera does not receive required documentation from groups with 1-2 employees eligible to renew, their group coverage will CANCEL and they will NOT be eligible for reinstatement. NO EXCEPTIONS to this requirement […]

Final Small Group Reminders For Jan 1, 2020

1) Hard Deadline for 1/1/2020 Small Group submissions is Monday 12/16/19 Groups Submitted after the 16th – You have the option to submit your group through Premera’s Small Group Marketplace at anytime […]

Additional Connexion Sales Team Updates

Beginning February 1, 2020 Connexion is Premera’s new sales distribution channel for the 51-99 segment. We are proud to announce two exceptional hires that will support this initiative. Joining us […]

Five Important 2020 Small Group Reminders

1) Hard Deadline for 1/1/2020 Small Group submissions is Monday 12/16/19 Reminder – Connexion requires earlier deadlines in order to ensure all documentation is complete and accurate to be submitted […]

2020 Specialty Pharmacy – Accredo Update and Mailing

Effective January 1, 2020 Accredo will become the exclusive preferred pharmacy for specialty drugs for Premera small group members. Members who are currently utilizing a pharmacy other than Accredo for […]